About Sam Shefrin
I’ve been working as an Entrepreneur for 12 years and from the start, self management and team management have been the most critical elements to my success. I’ve always been interested in self-improvement and driving a team. I’m a work in progress and have made tons of mistakes along the way. I’m still making some of those mistakes, but I’m trying to improve. In today’s economy, I think there are others out there like me. Working from home, learning to navigation working alone with success hinging on self regulation and control. It’s a challenge professionally and personally. Management Craft is a side project of mine to serve as a type of journal for ideas, experiences and positivity. I hope that this content can have a positive impact on other people and we can learn together. I think my specialty is managing virtual teams with a number of freelancers. I’ve built a number of website and an internet marketing business with a virtual team framework. My current projects include: SEO Services Los Angeles, Lineups.com and DepthCharts.com
Want to Write with Me?
Do you have a passion for writing? I’m always looking for quality writers that are responsible and knowledgeable in their craft. If your specialty is leadership, management, self-improvement and/or business, please Contact Me today and we can have a chat.